
Real Estate房地产专业




  Market and Feasibility Analysis,Real Estate Finance,Negotiation and Dispute Resolution,The Development Process, Accounting Principles and Practices,Real Estate Valuation and Analysis,Legal Principles and Practices,Real Estate Economics,Corporate Finance,Real Estate Capital Markets




  请求Bachelor需求好国承认的下中结业,TOEFL,SAT I 或ACT,较好年夜教会请求SAT II。 Graduate Program(硕士课程战专士课程)需求年夜教本科大概以上教位,相干的业余布景(纷歧定非要本业余),TOEFL固然是必备的,借有GMAT或GRE (视本业余所属教院而定,假如正在办理教院凡是要GMAT,假如正在地盘、修建或都会方案教院凡是要 GRE),普通请求GPA正在3.0以上。








  Cornell University,Real Estate Department


  George Washington University,MBA with concentration in real estate and urban development,


  University of California-Berkeley (Haas),


  New York University, the Real Estate Institute,


  University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Urban and Regional Planning Program,


  Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Program in Building Construction,


  Clemson University, Program in Real Estate Development,


  American University, Program in Real Estate,


  Cleveland State University, Program in Urban Planning, Design, and Development,


  Columbia University, MBA Program


  Georgia State University, Department of Real Estate,


  The Johns Hopkins University, Division of Business and Management,


  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Real Estate,


  The Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus, Department of Real Estate,


  Texas A&M University College Station, Program in Land Economics and Real Estate,


  University of Cincinnati, Program in Real Estate,


  University of Denver, School of Real Estate and Construction Management,


  University of Florida, Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate,


  The University of Memphis, Program in Business Administration


  University of North, Department of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, and Law


  University of Pennsylvania, Real Estate Department,


  University of St. Tho***s, Program in Real Estate Appraisal


  University of Southern California, Master of Real Estate Development,


  University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics.